Top Prostate Supplements for Men’s Health

Top Prostate Supplements for Men’s Health

Men’s health, particularly prostate health, is an important component of total well-being. Men have an increased risk of prostate difficulties as they age, affecting their urine function, sexual health, and general quality of life. While obtaining expert medical counsel for prostate issues like risk of prostate cancer is essential, researching natural and preventative strategies might be useful.  In this blog we will discuss and know what’s the best prostate dietary supplements.

What is Prostate?

The prostate is a tiny, walnut-sized gland situated underneath the bladder in males. Its principal purpose is to create seminal fluid, which feeds and transports sperm. The prostate may alter as men age, affecting its functioning and causing a variety of health problems.

Prostate Problems

Several prostate disorders can affect men in different ways, each of which needs thorough diagnosis and treatment. Here are a few frequent worries:

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

This non-cancerous growth of the prostate frequently causes urinary problems such as frequent urination, a weak stream, and incomplete bladder emptying.


Prostate inflammation can cause painful urination, pelvic discomfort, and urine urgency.

Prostate cancer

This is a dangerous disease that needs rapid medical care and expert treatment.

It’s important to know that prostate supplements aren’t a treatment for any of these illnesses and should never be taken in place of expert medical care. Seeking expert evaluation and guidance is critical when dealing with prostate issues.

Best Supplements for Prostate

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is one of the most widely utilized herbal supplements for prostate health. It’s made from the berry of the Serenoa repens plant, which grows in the southeastern United States.

Saw palmetto includes fatty acids, plant sterols, and other beneficial components that may help decrease prostate inflammation and urinary symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 

Saw palmetto has been found in many clinical trials to help increase urine flow, minimize midnight urination, and lessen other BPH-related symptoms when taken consistently. While the specific processes are yet unknown, saw palmetto appears to be quite safe for most guys. It might take 6-8 weeks of regular usage to see an improvement in BPH symptoms.

Saw palmetto may not be sufficient to cure BPH on its own. It is frequently paired with other natural prostate supplements, however, to create a more thorough treatment. It is still one of the most popular and well-studied herbal medicines for prostate health.

Pygeum Africanum

Pygeum africanum, commonly known as African plum tree or African cherry tree, is a herbal supplement derived from the bark of the indigenous African evergreen Pygeum africanum. It has been used to treat urological disorders in traditional African medicine for generations.

Pygeum africanum, taken as a supplement, may aid with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous swelling of the prostate gland that is prevalent in older men. The beneficial chemicals present in the bark are thought to alleviate prostate inflammation and swelling.

Pygeum africanum is a potential herbal supplement that may help with urinary problems associated with prostate enlargement. More large-scale human studies are required, but existing research and traditional use indicate that it might be an effective natural medicine.


Beta-sitosterols are phytosterols that occur naturally in some plants. They have been investigated for their possible advantages to prostate health, particularly in the treatment of urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH).

According to research, beta-sitosterols may help reduce BPH urinary symptoms by suppressing prostate cell development. They are thought to disrupt some of the hormonal mechanisms that cause prostate hypertrophy. Beta-sitosterols also have anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in the reduction of prostate swelling.

In a review of randomized controlled trials, beta-sitosterols were shown to improve urinary symptoms and urinary flow measures. The amount of beta-sitosterols used in the studies ranged from 60-130 mg per day. While the trials were small, the results were promising for reducing nighttime urination frequency, and residual urine volume, and improving peak urine flow rate.

Inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which is involved in the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is one method beta-sitosterols may aid. DHT aids in prostate development and enlargement. Beta-sitosterols may diminish prostate hypertrophy and related urinary tract symptoms by blocking this enzyme.

More study is required to validate the efficacy and appropriate dose of beta-sitosterols in the treatment of BPH and urine symptoms. However, recent research suggests that they might be a valuable addition to supplements focused on enhancing prostate health and urinary function. The few documented adverse effects appear to be minimal. Before using beta-sitosterols or other supplements, consult with your doctor to ensure they are appropriate for you.


Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant in various fruits, vegetables, plants, and grains. It is responsible for the anti-inflammatory benefits of many plants and foods.

Quercetin appears to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit prostate health. It reduces inflammation throughout the body as a natural anti-inflammatory. This is thought to help quercetin’s potential benefits of decreasing prostatitis symptoms and protecting prostate cells.

Quercetin is a natural antihistamine that may help alleviate symptoms linked with prostate inflammation and enlargement, such as frequent urination. It also has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which may aid in the reduction of edema and inflammation in the prostate.

According to a preliminary study, quercetin may have some benefits for prostate health. According to research, quercetin may help lower inflammatory indicators and improve prostate cell activity. More study is needed, but quercetin is thought to be safe and well-tolerated, so it might be a valuable supplement.

Onions, apples, grapes, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, tea, and red wine are all high in quercetin. Supplements can also be taken as capsules or tablets. Before using supplements, always check with your doctor.

Rye Grass Pollen

Since the 1950s, rye grass pollen extracts have been utilized as a supplement to decrease enlarged prostate glands in Europe. The pollen is derived from rye grass (Secale cereale), a common grass species.

According to research, rye grass pollen includes phytosterols and other chemicals that may help lower prostate inflammation. This anti-inflammatory action may help reduce urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate.

One proposed mechanism is that rye grass pollen inhibits 5-alpha reductases. These enzymes convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which increases the growth of prostate cells. Rye grass pollen may prevent prostate hypertrophy by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase activity.

Several clinical trials have been conducted to investigate the benefits of rye grass pollen extracts on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate that frequently causes urinary problems in elderly men. In many trials, rye grass pollen supplements improved urine flow and reduced overnight toilet visits in men with BPH.

More study is needed to better understand rye grass pollen’s active components and establish the best amount for prostate health. However, the available research shows that it may be a viable alternative, particularly when paired with other natural prostate-supporting components.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is a plant that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It includes chemicals that are considered to aid prostate health, including flavonoids, carotenoids, and phytosterols.

One of the most common uses of stinging nettle is to improve urine flow in males with enlarged prostates. The specific mechanism underlying this effect is unknown, however, some studies propose that chemicals in the herb may aid in inhibiting the binding of sex hormones to prostate cells. This might result in decreased prostate cell growth and urinary tract blockage.

Preliminary research suggests that stinging nettle extracts may enhance urine flow rate, reduce nocturia (nighttime urination), and reduce post-void residual urine volume in individuals with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). More study is needed, however, existing evidence suggests that stinging nettle may be a beneficial natural supplement for prostate and urinary function.

In research, the normal dosage of stinging nettle extract employed varies from 300-600 mg given 1-2 times daily. Aside from mild stomach discomfort and redness in some people, there have been few recorded adverse effects.

Before taking stinging nettle, consult with your doctor to ensure that it is acceptable for your specific health situation and needs. While additional research is needed, this herb shows promise as part of a comprehensive approach to prostate health.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seed oil has gained popularity in recent years due to its possible prostate health benefits. The oil is obtained from pumpkin seeds, which are strong in minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and plant sterols.

According to certain studies, pumpkin seed oil may enhance urinary function in males with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is an enlarged prostate. In one trial, males with BPH were given a daily dose of pumpkin seed oil plus saw palmetto extract for six months. When compared to males who received a placebo, those who took the supplement combination had significantly improved urine flow and fewer visits to the restroom at night.

Pumpkin seed oil’s favorable benefits on prostate health may be attributed to its high amount of plant sterols such as beta-sitosterol. Plant sterols are considered to aid in the inhibition of testosterone conversion into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that promotes prostate cell development. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and zinc are also included in the oil, which may help protect prostate cells from harm.

Overall, pumpkin seed oil is developing as a promising supplement for prostate health. More study, however, is required to validate its effectiveness. When paired with other natural prostate therapies, such as saw palmetto, the oil may be most beneficial. Consult your doctor to discover whether pumpkin seed oil is right for you.



Lycopene is a potent antioxidant present in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and other fruits and vegetables. This carotenoid is responsible for the red color of fruits and vegetables and has been widely studied for its impact on prostate health.

Lycopene has been shown in studies to help decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in the prostate. In prostate cancer cells, it may potentially cause cell death. Men who consume more lycopene in their diet have a decreased chance of acquiring prostate cancer.

The body does not generate lycopene, thus it must be supplied through food. Cooking tomatoes boosts lycopene bioavailability. Cooked tomatoes, tomato juice, tomato sauce, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and apricots are all food sources.

Lycopene-containing supplements are also available. When looking for a prostate supplement, look for one that contains lycopene. Look for items that contain at least 10-20 mg of lycopene.

Overall, eating more lycopene-rich foods or taking lycopene supplements may help lower prostate inflammation and oxidative stress. More study is needed, however existing data shows that lycopene may benefit prostate health.


There are various useful natural substances to consider while selecting the best prostate supplements. Saw palmetto, pygeum africanum, beta-sitosterols, quercetin, rye grass pollen, stinging nettle, pumpkin seed oil, and lycopene are some of the best possibilities.

Look for prostate supplements that include effective dosages of one or more of these natural components. Be wary of goods that make exaggerated claims or depend excessively on untested components. To discover if supplements are appropriate for your specific health requirements, consult with a healthcare practitioner for the side effects.

When taking supplements, follow the dose instructions carefully and be patient, since the advantages tend to increase over time with food and drug administration fda approval. Maintaining prostate health also requires making lifestyle adjustments such as exercising, eating a nutritious diet, and managing stress.

If you enjoyed this article, you may also want to read this article Do Prostate Supplements Work? An In-Depth Look at the Evidence.

*This information is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or dietary advice tailored to individual needs.

Dr. Nicolette Natale is a physician, with a background in Psychology, General Medicine, and English Literature, combining her expertise to provide readers with the most accurate, easy-to-understand, and comprehensive information regarding healthcare. She received her Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine from Nova Southeastern University, and her bachelor’s in English Literature and Psychology from the University of Miami. Dr. Natale seeks to empower individuals with knowledge, fostering a greater understanding of holistic health and encouraging a proactive approach to well-being

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Dr. Kimberly Langdon

Kimberly Langdon

Dr. Kimberly Langdon has been an MD for 31 years, board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist with 19-years of clinical experience. She graduated from The Ohio State University College of Medicine, earning Honors in many rotations. She then completed her OB/GYN residency program at The Ohio State University Medical Center, earning first-place accolades for her Senior Research Project and Score of 98th percentile on a National Proficiency Test.

During her clinical career, she delivered over 2000 babies and specialized in minimally invasive procedures, menopause, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. After retiring from clinical practice, she founded a medical device company to commercialize her two patented and four patent-pending medical devices for both life-threatening and non-life-threatening infections.

Kimberly Langdon M.D.

Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Coologics, 2010-present
The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine 1987-1991
The Ohio State University Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program 1991-1995
Private practice 1995-2010

Po-Chang Hsu

Po-Chang Hsu

Po-Chang Hsu, M.D., received his medical doctorate from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. During his medical school training, Dr. Hsu worked with various patients, including adult and pediatric patients with acute and chronic conditions. Dr. Hsu’s interests include neurology, psychiatry, pediatrics, and sleep medicine.

Before medical school, Dr. Hsu finished a master’s degree at Harvard University and wrote a thesis on neuroimaging in schizophrenia patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Harvard Medical School-affiliated hospital. Dr. Hsu was also a part of the 2008 NASA Phoenix Lander Mission team, which sent a robotic spacecraft to the North polar region of Mars. Dr. Hsu also had research experience on neuroimaging in neonates at Boston Children’s Hospital, another Harvard Medical School-affiliated Hospital.

Since graduating from medical school, Dr. Hsu has worked as a full-time medical writer and consultant. In addition, he has experience writing and ghostwriting books and articles for physicians and health technology start-up companies. Dr. Hsu believes good communication between healthcare providers and patients creates the best results.


-Peer Reviewed Journal Article:
Kounaves, S.P., Hecht, M.H., West, S.J., Morookian, J.-M., Young, S.M.M., Quinn, R., Grunthaner, P., Wen, X., Weilert, M., Cable, C.A., Fisher, A., Gospodinova, K., Kapit, J., Stroble, S., Hsu, P.-C., Clark, B.C., Ming, D.W. and Smith, P.H. The MECA wet chemistry laboratory on the 2007 phoenix mars scout Lander. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2009, Mar; 114(E3): 10.1029/2008je003084.

-Poster Presentation:
2011 Harvard Psychiatry Mysell Poster Session; Boston, MA
Hsu, P.C., Rathi, Y., Eckbo, R., Nestor, P., Niznikiewicz, M., Thompson, E., Kubicki, M., Shenton, M.E. (March, 2011). Two-Tensor Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Acoustic Radiations in Schizophrenia

Dr. Nicolette Natale

Nicolette Natale

Dr. Nicolette Natale is a physician, with a background in Psychology, General Medicine, and English Literature, combining her expertise to provide readers with the most accurate, easy-to-understand, and comprehensive information regarding healthcare. She received her Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine from Nova Southeastern University, and her bachelor’s in English Literature and Psychology from the University of Miami. Dr. Natale seeks to empower individuals with knowledge, fostering a greater understanding of holistic health and encouraging a proactive approach to well-being